My name is Courtney Hancock and I am a creative marketing graphic designer. I am currently at Pepperdine University studying to earn a Bachelor’s in Integrated Marketing and Communications with a minor in Multimedia Design.
Studying integrated marketing and design simultaneously has allowed me to see the importance of considering the entirety of a marketing plan when approaching a dedicated design project. Similarly, it has impressed upon me the ultimate importance that designed marketing materials have when it comes to sucessfully delivering a message to an intended target audience.
I have had the pleasure of applying my knowledge during an internship at Brand Knew this past summer. During this internship I was trained by Ashley McFadden, a young designer who has made waves in the creative marketing realm. I have also gained experience in visual design for marketing through my time as Marketing Associate and Digital Marketing Manager at C.BONZ Malibu, as well as through personal endeavors such as my freelance work for Clear Dream and the creation of my photography print brand, The Darkroom Shop.